After graduating from high school, I lived abroad for several years, so I can speak English. I wanted to work in a profession that involves a lot of interaction with people, so I joined the hotel industry. At the hotel, I provided services to customers from the front desk to their rooms, offering a full escort.
My hometown is in Nagano Prefecture, and you can't really get by without a car there. I've always enjoyed driving, and I had a long-standing aspiration to become a chauffeur in a role similar to the hotel industry and service.
The service I value the most is to “SMILE”
Smiling is one of the basics, but I believe that it is the highest priority when servicing. I truly believe that not only do smiles show when good things happen, but even when things are rough, putting a smile on will naturally bring light to the situation.
Efforts are made to satisfy all customers by meeting as many requests as possible. However, there are times when extra charge is needed and times where it is difficult to meet the requests.
In such a situation, instead of just saying the request cannot be made, I try my best to propose the best counter option.
Therefore, I continue to learn and study information about the transportation services, other than limousine / taxi, such as the railway, rental car, and expressway bus.
Customers from foreign countries have been increasing over the years.
I am very thankful for the opportunity, for it gives me a chance to interact with other cultures.
I am also studying about the tourist industry.
Our company has also employed a programmer and are rapidly making positive changes. Therefore, us drivers have to keep up with the change, if we do not want to be left behind.
I will continue to offer professional service, more than expected, to all customers and to be a part of a company loved by all customers.